Emotional Intelligence (EQ) plays an important role in mental health. It can help us build resilience, promote wellbeing, and develop emotional resilience. EQ helps us to recognise our own emotions and the emotions of others, which can be beneficial for our mental health.
It also helps us to better understand how our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are connected. By understanding these connections, we can better manage our emotions and create healthier relationships with ourselves and others. With the help of EQ, we can learn how to respond to difficult situations in a more effective way and become more emotionally resilient.

EQ Verse IQ: What's the Difference?
Emotional intelligence (EQ) and intelligence (IQ) are two different concepts that are often confused with one another. While IQ measures a person's cognitive abilities, EQ measures a person's ability to recognise and manage their own emotions as well as the emotions of others.
IQ is a measure of a person's intellectual capacity, while EQ is an indicator of how well they can understand and manage their own emotions and those of others. IQ focuses on problem-solving skills, while EQ focuses on social skills.
The difference between emotional intelligence and intelligence is important to understand in order to be successful in life. EQ helps us build relationships, develop empathy, and make better decisions while IQ helps us solve problems more efficiently.
What is Emotional Intelligence and Why is it Important?
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is the ability to recognise, understand, and manage our own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. It is an important skill for success in life and work because it helps us to better understand ourselves and others. Individuals with high emotional intelligence use both their abilities and the emotions of those around them to make good decisions.
Emotional intelligence is a key asset to have. Learning it can help you become more effective in your relationships and allow you to handle difficult scenarios with greater ease.
Just like people who have good vision can better understand a new place they are visiting, people with high EQ are able to understand what might be happening in a group or situation more easily. A person’s emotional intelligence can be measured by looking at how they ask questions, communicate effectively, and interact with others.
People with high EQ will be better able to manage conflict and be more productive in their work. They are also less likely to have a higher risk of depression or anxiety. High EQ can reduce risk of high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease. These effects are likely because people with high EQ have better impulse control and lower stress levels. People with low EQ may be more prone to isolation and social problems.
The 5 Essential Elements of Emotional Intelligence
The science of emotional intelligence, originally called emotion-cognition link, was first introduced by Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer in 1990. The study has since been recognised as a vital tool for understanding human behaviour both on an individual level as well as collectively. Emotional intelligence has been shown to be a critical life skill that can help us understand our emotions, control them, regulate them and use them.
To be emotionally intelligent, we must possess five essential elements: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills. By understanding these five elements of emotional intelligence and how they interact with each other, we can develop an effective approach to managing our own emotions and those of others.
1. Self-Awareness
Self-awareness is the foundation of emotional intelligence. Without it, it's impossible to understand and regulate your emotions and reactions, which can lead to negative outcomes in personal and professional relationships. Fortunately, there are many ways to develop self-awareness. By engaging in self-awareness exercises such as mindfulness meditation, journaling, and reflecting on your experiences, you can improve your emotional intelligence and become better at managing difficult situations.
2. Self-Regulation
Self-regulation is an essential part of developing emotional intelligence and achieving success in life. It helps us to stay in control of our emotions, thoughts, and actions. With self-regulation strategies, we can learn how to manage our emotions better and make better decisions for ourselves. Self-regulation is a skill that can be improved with practice. By understanding what triggers our emotions and learning effective strategies for managing them, we can become more emotionally intelligent and take control of our lives.
3. Motivation
Staying motivated is often challenging with life's daily struggles and hardships. However, motivation comes from within and allows us to make our own emotional connection with our needs and goals, helping us face any difficulty head on. It requires a lot of strength, resilience and courage to keep going when times are tough.
Motivation is a key element to improving your emotional intelligence. When you have clear goals, it becomes easier to focus on what needs to be done in order to reach them. By understanding how emotions affect our decisions and behavior, we can use this knowledge to our advantage and become better at managing our emotions in different situations.
4. Empathy
Showing empathy is an essential part of building emotional intelligence (EQ). It helps you to better understand the feelings and perspectives of others, enabling you to strengthen relationships and foster collaboration. But how do you develop your ability to show empathy? The best way to enhance your ability to show empathy is by actively listening.
The more you listen and respond, the more you will understand people, and the easier it will be for you to be empathetic. Start by simply asking good questions. Listen with your ears as well as your eyes and ask open-ended questions that allow people to tell their stories in a natural way. For example, when someone mentions a problem at work, it is always helpful to listen carefully and show empathy by saying something like, "That sounds difficult." It can also help to ask questions such as "How do you feel about that?" or "What made you feel upset?"
5. Social Skills
Having strong social skills is essential for success in any field. But it’s even more important for those who want to develop their emotional intelligence.
Developing your social skills can help you become more emotionally intelligent, which can lead to better relationships and improved performance in the workplace.
What are the benefits of social skills? Social skills allow you to effectively communicate and understand others, which allows you to build relationships that benefit both parties. Developing your social skills can also lead to improved performance in a variety of domains, including business and education. They can even help lower stress levels by helping you manage conflicts more smoothly.
Final Words
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is an important skill to have in today's world. It can help you better understand yourself and others, build meaningful relationships, and make better decisions. The value and benefits of developing your EQ are extensive and in many areas, from personal relationships to professional success.
With the right tools and techniques, you can learn how to recognise your emotions, manage them effectively, and use them to your advantage. By doing so, you can become more self-aware and emotionally intelligent - a valuable asset that will serve you well throughout life.
Harvard Business School www.online.hbs.edu/blog/post/emotional-intelligence-in-leadership
Very Well Mind www.verywellmind.com/components-of-emotional-intelligence-2795438
Positive Psychologywww.positivepsychology.com/importance-of-emotional-intelligence/
HelpGuide.org www.helpguide.org/articles/mental-health/emotional-intelligence-eq.htm
Ottawa University www.ottawa.edu/online-and-evening/blog/october-2020/the-importance-of-emotional-intelligence
Mind Tools www.mindtools.com/ax3ar6w/emotional-intelligence-in-leadership
Psych Central www.psychcentral.com/lib/what-is-emotional-intelligence-eq
National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5981239/
Roche Martin www.rochemartin.com/blog/50-tips-improving-emotional-intelligence